Manual Testing

Even agile software development methods have their drawbacks and software so developed is supposed to be perfect but may have hidden bugs. Software, even if it is developed by experts must be thoroughly tested for quality, performance and all other aspects. Automated testing may not be able to uncover hidden issues. This is why we offer laborious and time consuming yet perfect manual functional testing of software across all its modules and the complete package itself. Our manual software testing services are modular and affordable. We can associate with software development companies right at the start of the project stage and collaborate with developers. This way we ensure that the application is refined from the start and less time is spent at the final stage. However, we are just as comfortable with software manual testing services once the software is fully developed and is ready to be deployed. Here is why you should consider CloudMynds for manual software testing:

  • We possess years of experience and expertise in black box and gray box testing.
  • We have the test environment, tools and people for manual testing of web applications and enterprise level software and anything in between
  • Our test process is thorough and covers iterations of software at each stage or at the final stage
  • We have expertise in mobile app testing

Our manual software testing has always delivered flawless results for clients and they have come to trust us. Our tests add value to your software and speed in testing assures speed to market.